it’s been a short while since I did work on my Yourls Abusedesk, but since I had some people asking questions and Ozh had just released Yourls 1.5.1, I figured it was as good a time as any to do some housecleaning. So here is the short update:
- Verified to work with Yourls 1.5.1
- Verified to work with PHPGSB 0.2.4
- Yourls Abusedesk is now managed in Github
- Version control is now in Git, rather than Subversion
Also, the documentation has been updated to reflect a recent issue I encountered where the Yourls database user did not have a CREATE TABLE grant on the Yourls database. The next release will include some errorchecking for that.
For online discussion, please do check out the new Redmine. This also (hopefully) provides a better place to post suggestions, questions, etc.