English articles

Yourls Abusedesk moves to Git, Redmine


it’s been a short while since I did work on my Yourls Abusedesk, but since I had some people asking questions and Ozh had just released Yourls 1.5.1, I figured it was as good a time as any to do some housecleaning. So here is the short update:

  1. Verified to work with Yourls 1.5.1
  2. Verified to work with PHPGSB 0.2.4
  3. Yourls Abusedesk is now managed in Github
  4. Version control is now in Git, rather than Subversion

Also, the documentation has been updated to reflect a recent issue I encountered where the Yourls database user did not have a CREATE TABLE grant on the Yourls database. The next release will include some errorchecking for that.

For online discussion, please do check out the new Redmine. This also (hopefully) provides a better place to post suggestions, questions, etc.