English articles

New York Times reports about a new EU plan to place a worldwide cap on data roaming charges for EU citizens. Wether or not this is a good idea remains to be seen… There are still a number of countries that carry quite high roaming charges, which would cause the cap to activate pretty quickly. Not a good customer experience.

I doubt that the EU guidelines would cause non-EU operators to lower their wholesale data rates at all, so the result could be that only the ‘real’ operators (MNO’s, i.e. in the Netherlands KPN, T-Mobile, Vodafone) would be able to force enough buying power to enforce lower wholesale rates or to subsidise the charges toward the customer.

If that becomes reality, would it serve the customer? Would it offer market options and transparency? I don’t think so. In this scenario, smaller providers (i.e. MVNO’s) who are tied tightly to their MNO may not be able to compete in the market. Winners of the game would be the MNO’s with deeper pockets. The market of roaming solutions toward MVNO’s may grow, but most likely this will still only cover base costs of mobile challengers.

What will happen remains to be seen. For now I’m sceptic about this idea, but we will certainly keep a close eye.

English articles

[EDIT: This is already an older version. For the latest updates, please keep an eye on the yourls-abusedesk tag on this blog or the Yourls-Abusedesk project.]

And we’re back. Based on some new suggestions from people I’ve released a new version of the Abusedesk.

Changes are:

  • Use long php tags
  • Implement forwarding to APWG instead of using our own error messages when links were used for Phishing


I also took some time to upgrade my Yourls codebase to ensure the plugin still works with that too 🙂

For those who like to live on the edge, I’ve added public read access to my subversion repo for the plugin. Use at your own risk, obviously!

svn co http://pkg.tty.nu/svn/yourls-abusedesk



English articles

[EDIT: This is already an older version. For the latest updates, please keep an eye on the yourls-abusedesk tag on this blog or the Yourls-Abusedesk project.]

So the Abusedesk tool is definitely alive.

This update is only expanding on documentation as suggested by readers. No new functionality at this time. Thanks for the input all. Keep suggesting or adding stuff 🙂

Get it here:


English articles

[EDIT: This is already an older version. For the latest updates, please keep an eye on the yourls-abusedesk tag on this blog or the Yourls-Abusedesk project.]

So, over the last few months I’ve had a few responses on my post of august last year with helpfull (and sometimes not so helpfull) comments on what can be improved on Yourls Abusedesk. So here is a new release.

Changes are:

  • Better loading configuration order (prevent errors/warnings from PHP)
  • Sanity check to see if config.php was created (and showing an error instead of a blank page)
  • Documentation updated to show how to test Google Safe Browsing from the webserver command line

I hope this helps a few people along. I’m open for suggestions and improvements as my spare time allows it. As usual with Open Source: You have the code, so feel free to tinker around and let me know what you find.


Dutch articles

Een beetje ontspanning op zn tijd is naast een drukke werkweek van groot belang. Zo ben ik zelf de afgelopen tijd ontspannen door een tweetal boeken heen gewerkt die ik jullie niet wilde onthouden: The Victorian Internet en The Big Five For Life. Thanks Dave!

The Victorian Internet (Tom Standage) geeft een beeld van de geschiedenis van de telegrafie, en in het bijzonder de elektrische telegraaf. Sowieso vanuit geschiedkundig perspectief interessant, maar voor mensen die zich in de internetbusiness bewegen en een beetje inzicht in de ontwikkeling en geschiedenis hebben heel aardig om de analogie te zien. Wie roept dat alles tegenwoordig zo snel gaat moet dit boek zeker even lezen, dat brengt een en ander in een leuk perspectief.

The Big Five For Life (John Strelecky) is een managementboek verstopt als light-reading. Thomas Derale fungeert hier als de weergave van John’s visie over management en hoe de persoonlijke doelstellingen van een bedrijf en haar medewerkers in lijn moeten zijn. Wie de doelstellingen in lijn krijgt bereikt een hogere output en gelukkigere medewerkers. Een mooi streven! Wil jij niet ook nog 4 levens extra?

Dutch articles

Het was alweer even rustig hier. Druk met werk en druk thuis. Inmiddels gelukkig twee verhuizingen (kantoor en prive) achter de rug en lekker op de bank aan het knutselen met de nieuwste uitbreidingen in de applicatieservers: Een GlusterFS gebaseerd cluster met replicatie. In alle applicatie/webservers worden twee fileservers gemount die onderling worden gerepliceerd. High availability zonder Heartbeat. Ik heb nog wat performance tuning te doen, daarna meer nieuws…

English articles

[EDIT: This is already an older version. For the latest updates, please keep an eye on the yourls-abusedesk tag on this blog or the Yourls-Abusedesk project.]

So, it’s weekend and Liz is out with the girls, so I finally got around to finishing my Abusedesk tool for Yourls.

Abusedesk for Yourls is a plugin module written and tested with Yourls SVN rev. 503
but is probably functional with any release of 1.4 or higher.

Abusedesk is designed to allow YOURLS-administrators to prevent or restrict abuse by
link-posters. It does this by the following methods:

1) Implement a blacklist and a report-page. If any visitor states a short URL is abusive,
the system will automatically mark the URL as ‘bad’ and report future visitors of this.

2) Implement a banlist and allow the administrator to prevent certain IP-addresses to
post, or prevent certain (partial) URL’s to be shortened.

3) If Google Safe Browsing is activated, prevent visitors from running into (known)
phishing or malware sites

Download yourls-abusedesk-svn7

Dutch articles

Natuurlijk ken ik WordPress al jaren. De naam dan tenminste. Het systeem zelf had ik nog nooit echt bekeken. Toen iemand het pakket op een van onze hosting-machines wilde gebruiken moest ik er toch eens wat dieper in. En wat blijkt, er is gewoon een mooie multi-user omgeving voor ook. Daar gaan we dan maar eens mee stoeien.